Bonnie's blog

Hibiscus are Going Crazy This Year


Amidst the pandemic we have found peace and happiness with each other and in our flower garden.  Paul was not a gardener when he met me, but now he really enjoys it.  And I sure enjoy being with Paul!  Hope we find a vaccine soon !

Pandemic Project - Zinnias


I started these zinnia's from seeds this year just like my Mom used to do.   I probably would not have done it if I had not been home every weekend and had time to care for them.  I am so grateful that I was able to get these planted, they are just beautiful, just like Mom. 

Paul's Pandemic Projects


No golf for two months?  What can we do?  Always projects at P&B's Garden.  Paul filled in all the pathways with new stone and laid bark in all the beds.   He moved all the stone in a couple of days wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow.  It looks amazing. 

Caesalpinia Species, Yellow Bird of Paradise


Still at home working during the pandemic but this beauty is right outside my office window.  This beautiful perennial does very well in Texas and comes back every year.  Be careful of a white fungus that develops on the trunk, if not cared for it leads to the loss of the plant.  I feed with ros

Zinnia Seeds during the Pandemic


With nurseries off limits I decided to try seeds this year.  This was a familiar site at my house growing up.  Mom had a light table in the basement and each year she started her marigold seeds when there was still snow on the ground in Chicago.  I decided to try different variaties of zinnias. 

Finding Happiness In My Flowers During COVID-19


What a terrible time we are going through right now.  Unimagineable.  Only happens in movies.  But we are living in it.   Paul and Bonnie focusing on the positives in Bedford Texas today. 

Spring Is Here


Spring is here, but we are still getting blooms from our Christmas bulbs.  This Red Lion Amaryllis just opened for us.  Lovely backdrop to our still very brown and dormant yard. 

Welcome to a New Decade of Gardening


I never knew when we walked through this yard in the spring of 2003, that such a beautiful garden would evolve and exist today.  Although I scaled back due to my life threatning allergy, Paul helped me keep my passion going.

Mother of Thousands


There are two plants that get confused often, it is mother of millions and mother of thousands.  The mother of thousands has a much broader leaf.  Jennifer gave me this Mother of Thousands on Mother's Day.  It takes low light and low water.  It produces thousands of little baby plants on each le

Summer 2019 Coming to a Close


This had to be our best garden yet.  After building it for the last 16 years we finally have somewhat of a grasp on what does well and what does not.  It just keeps getting better just like me and Paul. 
