Bonnie's blog

Conservatory Doors Installed


This year my goal is to master the forcing of bulbs in water as I celebrate the completion of 6 months of allergy shots. Paul has completed the design and oversight of the construction on the doors to my safe garden haven and there is no dirt involved when you force bulbs in water.

Summer Garden 2014 - The Year of the White Flies


I took a year off from gardening this year and Paul had his hands full. We were infested by white flies. He sprayed every weekend and they are still swarming. In a few weeks we will cut everything back for the fall and hopefully that will solve it.

Brian's Moving On


We got to have Brian here for a while this summer. Now he is moving on to the next adventure, but he won't be as far away this time. Here is a picture Brian took from his perspective of P&B Garden after he cleaned the pool. We loved having you home, Brian !!

Reflections in the East Garden



Happy 4th of July Week !


This weekend Paul helped me in the garden after he finished playing golf on Saturday, even though he was tired. We got a lot done including planting a few new perennials and trimming the trellis vines. Enjoy our summer phlox and rose of sharon tree in full bloom. Happy Independence Day !

Conservatory Time



Whole Body Extract Immunotherapy


I am in the 5 percent of the population that has a severe life threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis when stung by a fire ant. The red or black imported fire ant now infests more than 260 million acres in the southern United States.

Late Bloomers


We are having a very late spring this year.....usually by April 15th, we have our first bloom on all our roses. So I have been enjoying this beautiful double begonia while I wait for Don Juan, Mr. Lincoln and Belinda's Dream rose to open up. Good things come to those who wait.

University of Texas Fire Ant Project


They're back ! Fire Ants, Spring 2014. I researched progress made by our great state of Texas to eliminate fire ants, something that has turned into a life threatening hazard for me. I found that the University of Texas in Austin has a Fire Ant Project.
