Enabling Garden Breaks Ground




I was so touched by this article today and wanted to share some flowers from my garden in honor of anyone who might have a disability that prohibits them from gardening and doing the things that they love. As an avid gardener I extend my sincere thanks and admiration to the many volunteers that made gardening possible again regardless of ability or disability through innovative and visionary thinking.


Where there is a will there is a way !! Hats off !!












































































Reprinted from Lone Star Chapter News - National MS Society


Mar 03, 2009

Committed to Providing a Gardening Experience to Everyone Regardless of Ability or Disability

An enabling garden integrates different bed designs with modified tools and other features that enable any person to be able to garden. This project is a unique collaboration between the Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association, the Texas A&M Holistic Gardens and the Lone Star Chapter http://www.nationalmssociety.org/chapters/TXH/index.aspx of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Funding for the project was made possible through the Lone Star Chapter's MS Entrepreneurs Program presented by Kanaly Trust.

Examples of Planned Enabling Garden Features

A-frame trellises are designed to allow individuals in a wheelchair or motorized chair to freely pass through the structure and facilitate in harvesting tomatoes, grapes, melons, squash or any other vegetable or fruit that prefers to be grown on a trellis This garden bed has planting areas at five different heights enables a person to try out different heights to see what would be best for them in their own garden. Often different heights often work well for one person. Tall plants, such as tomatoes, may work well in one of the lower beds, while lettuce or carrots may work well in an upper bed. Free standing vertical beds can be places on the ground as a permanent garden fixture or built with heavy duty castor wheels. The beds are designed with PVC pipe with holes running vertically through the beds and these beds are watered on the top. They can be planted with vegetables, made into a salad or herb garden or used as a wall of flowers. The design is simple with cattle panel as the front screen and lined with heavy duty plastic to contain the compost and soil. Plants are added by making a hole in the plastic and inserting in the seedlings through the hole. If you are interested in this impactful opportunity, we have a volunteer role for you! To become involved in making a difference in your community today or for more information about the Enabling Garden Project please contact Jennifer Northrop at jnorthop@nmsslonestar.org or 281-433-1588.

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